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Thursday, 21 March 2013

TuneUp Utilities

TuneUp Utilities Review



Soft Helpers Team Review :

I have using tuneup utility software and i got excellent fractures .....

I personally advice you to use tuneup utilities to fix your computer errors and maintain your pc at maximum processing speed ..

This software can also be useful for maintenance of the computer ...

It fixes All system errors an increase the speed of the computer . You will really like it .....(Official Download link also give in last of the review )

 My favorite feature in this software is log-in and boot screen changer and file types calculator ... Its very easy to handle when i am change using this TuneUp Utilities software ... The sample image of file type handler given below ...


My personal rating is It is one of the good software products ....


Try To use this excellent software ....

Youtube Videos to Give Details about TuneUp Utilities ...


How to install and Review ..

Review of TuneUp utilities ..

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By following I have added some websites review of the Tuneup Utilities software .....


Note:::: I have collected all reviews about this software from many websites and pasted that reviews here ...

I hope this post will give you complete review as you want about TuneUp Utilities 2013 ...
 This blog Helps You to view reviews of all websites in one place ..... It helps you to save the time ... If you want To read More about review of the website click the link which is also given..

Screenshots :

I have added some screenshots to your identification ...

Thank to Google Images

Review From :

The following review date's are taken from the following website link,2817,2371494,00.asp

When you first fire up the program, you're prompted to run a system scan that will dig up registry and defragmentation problems, as well as other issues. Afterward, you can either run the one-click cleanup or go to the Start Center to check out all the features. I went with the latter option.
Start Center has a mostly blue-and-white tabbed interface that highlights five sections: Status & Recommendations, Optimize System, Clean Up Computer, Fix Problems, and Customize Windows. Each tab has several useful, clearly-defined functions that are easy for the layperson to understand. The Status & Recommendations tab, which is the app's default screen, displays the number of problems found under the Fix Problems sub-heading and the Start 1-Click Maintenance button under the Maintain System sub-head. At the bottom of the window is an Optimization Status band that fills as you complete the steps needed to whip your PC into shape. I found it a nice way to stay on top of the maintenance process.
TuneUp Utilities introduces two new tools in this year's release: TuneUp Disk Cleaner and TuneUp Browser Cleaner. The former removes left over bits when programs don't cleanly uninstall; the latter removes browser activity from the likes of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and 22 other browsers.
TuneUp Uilities 2013 is more than a basic PC clean up application. It also contains many other functions including file backup and recovery, file deletion, Windows customization, and more. Some of the features duplicate native Windows function, but it's convenient to have them in one central location.
The Cleanup Process
Clicking Start 1-Click Maintenance launches the system cleaner, which scanned my test bed and displayed numerous of registry problems, broken shortcuts, and other PC problems. Clicking the "Show Details" beneath each problem count took me to a new screen that described problems in everyday language. Clicking the Start 1-Click Maintenance button cleaned up the mess, eliminating all the previously listed problems.
I returned to the home screen after that task was completed, where I noticed that the Optimization Status bar was at 50 percent. Anxious to see it hit 100 percent, I began exploring TuneUp Utilities 2013's other options that freed up disk space and repaired a handful of problems. The application identified 41 programs that potentially should be disabled. I appreciated that TuneUp Utilities 2013 displayed star ratings culled from the application's user base that helped me quickly see which software that I should keep.
Performance Improvements
I tested TuneUp Utilities 2013's ability to reinvigorate a PC by performing two tests—running the Geekbench system performance tool and measuring boot times—before and after running the software to compare the computer's potency. Each test was run three times and averaged. Before TuneUp Utilities 2013 scrubbed the system, the 2GHz Intel Core i7 X990 Style-Note notebook with 4GB of RAM and an 80GB Intel SSD drive achieved a 5,914 Geekbench score and booted in 50.3 seconds.
However, after using TuneUp Utilities 2012, the system saw improved performance. The GeekBench performance score rose to 6,428—just shy of Iolo System Mechanic 11's category leading 6,452 score. The boot time decreased to just 31.3 seconds, which topped Iolo System Mechanics 11's 31.7 second mark by a hair. Check out the performance chart below to see how TuneUp Utilities 2013 fared overall.

After running the tests, I used the computer extensively to get a sense of how the app had changed the responsiveness of the machine. Norton Utilities delivered a noticeable performance improvement; the entire OS moved at a snappier pace even with iTunes and Photoshop open.
Should You Use TuneUp Utilities 2013?
Priced at $49.95, TuneUp Utilities 2012 is pricier than the free Comodo System Cleaner, but does a better job of removing the digital crud. Its Geekbench performance is strong, and it delivers improved performance that rivals Iolo System Mechanic 11. If you can overlook the fact that the software can only be installed on three PCs at a time (if you want to install it on more than three PCs, you have to buy two licenses, which will cost nearly $100), you'll find it quite a useful tool for improving computer performance.

CNET Reviews  :

please click to visit this review page of CNET Website

Review :

As is the case with any machine, computers require regular maintenance to keep them running their best. Tuneup Utilities 2013 is a suite of tools for fixing, tidying, and optimizing your computer. With a straightforward interface and plenty of options, it's worth checking out if you're not sure how to keep your machine in top condition.
Tuneup Utilities 2013 has a 1-Click Maintenance tool for users who want to get everything taken care of at once, as well as several other options that give you more control over what the program does. Tuneup Utilities started by performing an analysis of our system, looking at a variety of different performance metrics. It determined that we needed to clean our Registry, remove broken shortcuts, clean up Windows and programs, clean up our browser, and optimize system startup and shutdown; it also let us know that our Registry didn't need to be defragmented but that we should defragment our hard drive during our next maintenance session. Tuneup found quite a few problems on our computer and asserted that we had "high system interference." With the click of a button we were able to solve these problems, or so the program says; the only real evidence we had was that it told us that 867 Registry problems had been corrected, 58 broken shortcuts had been removed, 275 unneeded items had been deleted, and so on. We hadn't been having any significant performance problems to begin with, so it's hard to say whether Tuneup made a noticeable difference for us, but we can at least say that it didn't cause any problems. An addition to the 1- Click Maintenance tool, Tuneup Utilities also lets users create PC usage profiles to determine how best to optimize their systems, and a System Protection feature lets users undo changes made by the program -- always a good thing when you're mucking around in the Registry. Tuneup Utilities has a user-friendly interface and a thorough built-in Help file. Overall, we think that Tuneup Utilities 2013 is a good choice for novice and intermediate users who understand the importance of system maintenance but need some assistance in performing it.
Tuneup Utilities 2013 has a 15-day free trial. It installs and uninstalls without issues.

Thank You

Software Links:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

TuneUp utilities Official Page Click On me ...

TuneUp Utilities 2013Official Download Click On me ..

TuneUp utilities Review & Rating of click on me ...


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